
One Man's Trash

Sure, this isn't the most exciting picture to look at but to me it means square footage of once much needed things are leaving this house.  I've purged 3 rooms of unwanted items in the last 2 days and the pile keeps growing.  I reckon I don't want to start off on the wrong foot in our new digs so stuff be gone!  I've just the bathroom, master and sun room to do then the dreaded garage.  The garage is currently holding a Mini but surrounding that Mini is piles and piles of tools, old school stuff, two kids worth of baby items and the list goes on.  March 10th has been dedicated to get a go on clearing it out - a must do if the garage conversion happens.  One big garage sale coming our way = more money to furnish the new place!  Something to keep in mind - sure you go and build a lovely big house but you've still got to put furniture in it. 
Back to the grind to seek out another man's treasure.

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